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Where can I download the GLO CMS Community App?The GLOCMS Community App is available on the Apple App Store, Google Play Store and Huawei AppGallery.
Create an AccountOpen the GLO CMS Community App Click on Create Account Fill in either your Email Address or Mobile Number, or both if you prefer. One of these is required for verification purposes. Select the Next button Fill in your details and create a password: Name Fill in your Name Surname Fill in your Surname Password Create your password Password should be more than 7 characters, must contain a capital letter, and can contain alpha-numeric. eg. A35hfw98 Confirm Password Type your password again to confirm it Accept the Terms & Conditions Select your preferred verification method (If you only completed one, and would like to complete the other option, you can go back and fill in the field) The verification code now needs to be filled in. It would have been sent to the Email Address or Mobile Number depending on the option you selected. Please note that you’ve now only verified one of the two options. ie. Mobile or Email, you will be prompted later to verify the other option should it be required for the community you are joining. After you’ve filled in the verification code, click on Submit Should the verification not be delivered, you can click on Resend Code. If your community sent you an invite: The invite will be available for you to Accept or Reject. Accept at this point. If you don’t want to accept the invite at this point you can skip this step. If you want to join any other communities, you can request to join. Click Next You’ll be directed to the Welcome page Select Proceed to Home Page You’ll be directed to the Home Page Or you can choose to Get to know the App You’ll be directed to a page with User Manuals, Videos and FAQ
I did not receive my confirmation codeFor any reason whilst you were busy creating your account and could not verify your account with the verification code, please follow the steps below. Open the GLO CMS Community App Your app will open on the Let’s get your verified page Enter the verification code and then click on Submit (Should the verification code not be received within a minute, please click on Resend Code)
I've forgotten my password (Account confirmed via SMS or Email)If you’ve forgotten your password or would like to change it, follow the below steps. Open the GLO CMS Community App Now type either your email address or mobile number (the one you used to create your account) Then click on Submit You’ll now need to enter the verification code (Should the verification not be delivered, you can click on Resend Verification Code) Now type in a new password, and then confirm your password Then click on Submit Your password has now been updated and you’re ready to Sign In
How do I join my Community?There are a few ways of how a user would be able to join a community: Join a Community by accepting an invitation If you received an invitation from your community via email, that means that your invitation is pending and already exists in the GLOCMS Community App. 1. Open your left-side menu and click on the Join a Community button 2. Accept the pending invitation by clicking on the green checkmark Your new Homepage will show relevant community features. Join a Community by sending a join request You can also request to join a community. 1. Open your left-side menu and click on the Join a Community button 2. In the search field, type your Community’s Name 3. Then click on your Community’s Name 4. Fill in the form 5. Then click on the Submit Request button Once your request has been sent, it will need to be reviewed by the Community Admin whereby they will either accept or reject your join request. Join a Community by being recommended by the owner If you are an owner of a property in the community, you will have the authority to recommend other members to the community, whether it be your spouse, tenants, or domestic worker. 1. Click on the Personal Dashboard from the bottom tab bar. 2. Click on Connections 3. Click on your connection that you’d like to recommend to your community. 4. Click on the Recommend to Community button 5. Fill in the form 6. Click submit The request will be sent to the Community Admin whereby they will either accept or reject the recommendation.
How do I accept my invitation to join a community?If you received an invitation from your community via email, that means that your invitation is pending and already exists in the GLOCMS Community App. 1. Open your left-side menu and click on the Join a Community button 2. Under the Invites heading, you will view your invitation from your community 3. Click on the green checkmark to accept the invitation. 4. A popup notification will appear confirming that your profile has been linked successfully. Your new Homepage will show relevant community features.
How do I request to join a community?You can also request to join a community. Once your request has been sent, it will need to be reviewed by the Community Admin whereby they will either accept or reject your join request. 1. Open your left-side menu and click on the Join a Community button 2. In the search field, type your Community’s Name 3. Then click on your Community’s Name 4. Fill in the form 5. Then click on the Submit Request button Your community admin will need to review your request before informing you that it has been accepted or rejected.
How to recommend someone to a communityIf you are an owner of a property in the community, you will have the authority to recommend other members to the community, whether it be your spouse, tenants, or domestic worker. The request will be sent to the Community Admin whereby they will either accept or reject the recommendation. 1. Click on your Personal Dashboard from the bottom tab bar 2. Click on Connections 3. Click on your connection that you’d like to recommend to your community (If you do not have a connection setup, please do so first. Also, take note that the person needs to have an app account) 4. Click on the Recommend to Community button 5. Now complete the form with the information relevant to this person. 6. A notification will appear confirming that your recommendation has been sent to the community for approval. You’ll be able to review each of your connections’ status when you go to their profile and click on Recommend to Community. A status label will show next to the Community as shown on the right.
How do I switch between the Community and Personal Dashboards?You can easily toggle between your Community Dashboard (estate-related info) and Personal Dashboard (your profile details) by selecting the relevant icon from the bottom tab bar.
Can I set a default landing page?Yes! Go to Settings > Personal Page and choose whether you want the app to open on the Community or Personal Dashboard.
Can I customise the app’s colour scheme?Absolutely! You can now personalise your app theme in Settings > Personal Page to match your style.
How do I add a Connection?When using the GLO CMS Community App you can create Connections. These Connections can currently be used as your emergency contact or recommended to your community. Users will be able to create connections, view the request status of the connection (Pending/Accepted/Rejected) and update their connection as an emergency contact. 1. Click on the Personal Dashboard from the bottom tab bar. 2. Select the Connections tile 3. Click on the Add New Connection button 4. Type in the email address/mobile number of the person you want to add as a connection (You can also at this step decide to add this person as your Emergency Contact) 5. Click on the Add Connection button If the person already has an account they will receive a push notification on their app that they have a connection request from you. If the person doesn't have an account, they will receive an email informing them that you would like them to download the app and be added as their connection. You will now see your connection with a pending status under the Requests tab. Once the person accepts your connection request they will appear under the Mine tab.
How do I create/edit a Group Booking?1. Open the GLO CMS Community App 2. Select your Community from the slider 3. Click on the My Visitors tile 4. Select the Group Booking option from the list 5. Click on the Add button located at the bottom right corner of the screen. 6. Now either select from the two options: Select from Contacts or Add Manually 7. Select or enter between 5 & 20 contacts to add to the group. 8. When you are happy with the selections, click on the Submit button. (Note: The group is not active yet) 9. Click on the newly created group on the list of groups. 10. A date must now be selected when you expect the visitors to arrive 10. To finalise the booking, click on the Make Booking button. The group will now be created and PIN's will be automatically SMSed to your visitors. (Additional Charges may apply from the HOA)
How do I mark messages as read from All Notifications1. Click on the envelope from the bottom tab bar 2. Click on the All Notifications tile 3. Select the Kebab menu (three dots) 4. Choose the Show Unread option from the list 5. Go back to the kebab menu and choose the select option from the list 6. A selector is now visible next to each message. Select the relevant messages 7. In the bottom right corner, select the Mark as read option from the list The messages have now been successfully marked as read. Please Note the same steps can be followed to mark all messages as read, simply choose the Select All option from the kebab menu.
How do I mark messages as read from a Channel1. Click on the envelope from the bottom tab bar 2. Select the relative channel under the community heading 3. Select the Kebab menu (three dots) 4. Choose the Show Unread option from the list 5. Go back to the kebab menu and choose the select option from the list 6. A selector is now visible next to each message. Select the relevant messages 7. In the bottom right corner, select the Mark as read option from the list The messages have now been successfully marked as read. Please Note the same steps can be followed to mark all messages as read, simply choose the Select All option from the kebab menu.
How do I create a Help Desk ticket?The Help Desk is used by community members in order to quickly log a query, incident or provide some feedback or a suggestion to their Community using the GLO CMS Community App Users can log requests, view the status of their request and see any activity on that request in real-time. 1. Open the Community Dashboard from the bottom tab bar 2. Click on the Help Desk tile 3. Now click on the Add New Request button 4. Fill in the form by completing all fields 5. Add any files or images to your request by clicking on the Upload File button. 6. Once done click on the Submit button Your app will now direct you to the Help Desk page with a summarised view of your request.
Who receives my Help Desk ticket?Help Desk requests are sent to your community management team. The request is logged within the GLO CMS Admin Portal where the admin can update and reply to the request, the admin also receives an email with the following information: Community Name Request ID Title Category Person Property Description
Where can I find my visitor access codes?All your access codes as a visitor to different communities are now stored in one place, making them easy to find and use.
Powered by GLO CMS l Developed and Supported by GLOVent
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